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Dynamic Wealth Conference
Durban, eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal
Financial, Consulting, DVDs-Books-Magazines
R99 2-day Dynamic Wealth Conference feat. Top Business Entrepreneurs. Do you understand the rules on how to build and project your financial wealth? Are you considering an investment in property, planning to be a self funded retiree or looking to better manage your financial independence?. Look no further than the educational and completely innovative Dynamic Wealth Conference at the Durban’s ICC on 12-13 July 2014. For only R99, you’ll receive a General Admission ticket to the 2-day event featuring Top International and Local Wealth Creations Experts. The in-depth 2 day dynamic wealth summit illuminates key legislation changes, changes, strategies and wealth creation opportunities in today’s environment. Learn from the Extreme Entrepreneur himself Peter Sage on founding a multi-billion dollars business and succeeding in both Life and Business, take advice from serial entrepreneur, business strategist, international speaker and personal development facilitator, Pa Joof and discover the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, by none other than Rich Dad Educations leading property mentor and trainer, Harry Barclay. The Dynamic Wealth Conference is a MUST for any person that desires a life of choice and financial freedom. Delegates will learn investment in property, planning a self-funded retirement and wealth creation. Find out what you’ll learn about at the conference. Learn from some of the greatest experts in different fields from all over the Country. Learn sound Financial Freedom principals such as leverage & compounding ... - Offer expired 08/07/2014 23:16